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Road Distance or driving distance from Rishikesh to Augustmuni is 140 kms (90.00 miles). 
Agastyamuni is famous for the temple of Maharshi priya ranjan and by the name of religious guru Agastya it is called Agastyamuni. This small town falls under hilly district Rudraprayag of Uttarakhand state of India. It is situated on the river bank of Mandakini and is 18 km from Rudraprayag. There is an open ground where a helicopter and chopper facility is available for the famous Hindu religious place Kedarnath. Being a hilly place there are many facilities available at Agastymuni for tourists and pilgrims. 
Augustmuni is situated on the banks of Mandakini River in Rudraprayag at a height of 1,000 m. The town is known as the place where Rishi Agastya meditated for several years. Tourists visiting the town can see Agasteshwar Mahadev Temple dedicated to the Rishi. Moreover, tourists also can see the carvings of Gods and Goddesses on the stones as the temple is also known for its architecture. 

There are a number of different legends related to this place. According to one such legend, it is believed that when Saint Augusta visited this place, it was terrified by two monsters who were called Aatapi-Vatapi. These monsters used to disguise themselves and invite people to their place for lunch. Innocent saints used to accept their offer and visit their place. 

It is believed that when people used to visit their place, one monster used to turn himself into a dwarf and used to hide in the food being offered. Doing this, he used to enter the person's body and then cut it out from the inside when called by the other monster. The two monsters then ate the person. People were terrified by the two monster brothers and asked Saint Augusta for help. 

Listening to the people's problem, Augusta went to the monsters' place to eat food. The monsters used to same trick and Saint Augusta started doing some spells. This killed one of the monsters. The other was killed in a battle with Saint Augusta later on. This is how the people living in this place got rid of the two monsters with the help of Saint Augusta.


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