Rishikesh - Yoga Capital of the World

Late 1960's the Beatles discovered Transcendental Meditation, (in fact some people attributes the western's attention / discovery of meditation, yoga etc to them) and more specifically they adopted Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as their guru. The ashram is about 14 acres and built by the Maharishi yogi. The dear Beatles stayed here for a few months and apparently after this they had a very creative period. It's an interesting place and story, worth goggling. But here's a little taste. 

For more details you may read book "The Beatles in India"

"The Maharishi left India in the 1970s due to tax issues. The ashram, built on land belonging to the Rajaji National Park, was reclaimed by the government in the mid - 1990s after the lease expired in 1981, and fell into disrepair ". The ashram has been taken over by the forest, and it is in ruins. No one's allowed to go in, but latest news is that gate of ashram is now opened by government for tourist's.


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