Rishikesh - Yoga Capital of the World

Rishikesh is one of the popular pilgrimage for the Hindus. At this place the Ganges leaves the mountains and prepares herself to begin a long journey through the plains. Rishikesh stands at an altitude of 356 meters above sea level and along the river. Only few rivers in the world have the mystique of the Ganges, the living mother Goddess of the India. Rafting on its water of wisdom is certainly an unusual experience. Enjoy and explore the life time experience on a date with mother Ganges. Your first encounter will be the beginning of the addiction. 

Rishikesh is becoming a popular spot for white water rafting enthusiasts, both from India and abroad, as it offers medium to rough rapids in the course of river Ganges, with rapids rated class 3 and class 4.


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