Rishikesh - Yoga Capital of the World

Body Surfing

The skill of riding a wave without using any kind of buoyant device is called body surfing. There is no use of surfboard or body board in this adventure sport. Usually, body surfers use a pair of specially made swimfins. However, you can also use a couple of other accessories to expedite the process of riding the wave. The Himalayan town of Rishikesh offers some of the most popular sites along the Ganges where you can enjoy body surfing. The adventure sport has no age bar. Anyone who is without any fear of water can choose to indulge in this activity. 

One of the most sought after leisure activities in Rishikesh, body surfing uses some techniques. Adventure lovers need not worry about it, as there are expert surfers to give you an introduction to this light adventure sport. Some basic techniques used in this activity are tucking the body and diving back down. The best part about this activity is that you have the control to steer yourself while surfing in the river. 

Cliff Jumping

One of the most sensational sports to enjoy in Rishikesh is cliff diving or cliff jumping. The exciting adventure sport took birth on the Hawaiian Island of Lana in 1770. From then on, the sport has traveled far and wide. In actual terms, cliff jumping is a milder version of base jumping. There are certain guidelines that adventure lovers have to abide by. In this sport, you climb up a rock to reach the jumping platform, from where take a plunge into the water. 

The plunge is take from a height of 30-40 ft above the water surface. There are expert instructors to guide you while you enjoy the thrill of cliff jumping in Rishikesh. The free fall time spans just 3 seconds. 


One Response so far.

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